Basic approval support for models ================================= Easymode comes with :mod:`~easymode.easypublisher`, a very simple approval application. It uses `django-reversion `_ to store drafted content. This has the very nice side effect that all drafts are in your history. There is only one layer of approval, either you've got publishing rights or you don't. Anyone with publisher rights can move content from draft to published, as long as they've got permission to modify the content. To use the publisher you have to include ``easymode.easypublisher`` in your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. After that, you may use :class:`~easymode.easypublisher.admin.EasyPublisher` instead of :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` as follows:: from django.contrib import admin from foobar.models import * from easymode.easypublisher.admin import EasyPublisher class FooAdmin(EasyPublisher): model = Foo, FooAdmin) A new permission will be added ``easypublisher.can_approve_for_publication`` if some body does *NOT* have this permission, all their changes will only be saved as versions and never in the database. All people who *DO* have this permission can view the list of *drafts*, load them and save them, which means they are published. All your drafts and versions will be kept track of by `django-reversion `_. In case you want to use easypublisher together with :mod:`easymode.tree.admin.relation` you will find that multiple inheritance doesn't work due to conflicts. Instead, use :class:`easymode.easypublisher.admin.EasyPublisherFKAModelAdmin` where you would use :class:`~easymode.tree.admin.relation.ForeignKeyAwareModelAdmin` and :class:`easymode.easypublisher.admin.EasyPublisherInvisibleModelAdmin` where you would use :class:`~easymode.tree.admin.relation.InvisibleModelAdmin`. More info about these admin classes is in :ref:`tree_explanation`. Easypublisher templatetag :func:`~easymode.easypublisher.templatetags.easypublisher.draft_list_items` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :func:`~easymode.easypublisher.templatetags.easypublisher.draft_list_items` is a templatetag that can be used to show all drafts that need approval as a list of links to these drafts. You could include it in your admin template somewhere. use like this: .. code-block:: html+django {% load 'easypublisher' %} This will render as a list of links to all unapproved drafts.