Easymode settings


Easymode can manage a gettext catalog with your database content for you. If AUTO_CATALOG is True, easymode will add every new object of a model decorated with I18n to the gettext catalog.

How does gettext work

When existing content is updated in the MSGID_LANGUAGE on the MASTER_SITE, gettext will try to updated the msgid’s in all the languages. Therefor keeping the mapping between original and translation. There is a limit on the ammount of change, before gettext can nolonger identify a string as a change in an existing msgid. For example:

# in the english django.po:
#: main.GalleryItem.title_text:32
msgid "I've got a car"
msgstr ""
# in the french django.po:
#: main.GalleryItem.title_text:32
msgid "I've got a car"
msgstr "J'ai une voiture"

Now we update the main.GalleryItem.title_text in the db in english, which will also change the english gettext catalog’s message id:

# in the english django.po:
#: main.GalleryItem.title_text:32
msgid "I've had a car"
msgstr ""

gettext will now also update the message id in french so the link between original and translation is kept.

# in the french django.po:
#: main.GalleryItem.title_text:32
msgid "I've had a car"
msgstr "J'ai une voiture"

The location of the catalog can be controlled using LOCALE_DIR and LOCALE_POSTFIX,

What does AUTO_CATALOG do?



With the above settings, no catalogs are managed automatically by easymode. You have to manually generate them using easy_locale.

AUTO_CATALOG can also be used when you only need some (but not all) of the internationalised models to auto update the catalog. For this to work you need to set AUTO_CATALOG to False in settings.py:


Then somewhere else, for example in your admin.py or models.py you can turn on automatic catalog updates for specific models:

from models import News
import easymode.i18n


Now only the News model will automatically update the catalog, but other models will leave it alone. See easymode.i18n.register() for more info.

Ofcourse, for this to work you must have MASTER_SITE set to True.

In a nutshell, MASTER_SITE=False will disable all gettext updating, while AUTO_CATALOG=False, still allows you to turn it on for selected models.


The MASTER_SITE directive must be set to True if a gettext catalog should be automatically populated when new contents are created. This way all contents can be translated using gettext. You can also populate the catalogs manually using the easy_locale command.

In a multiple site context, you might not want to have all sites updating the catalog. Because the content created on some of these sites might not need to be translated because it is not used on any other sites. Content can flow from ‘master site’ to ‘slave site’ but not from ‘slave site’ to ‘slave site’.

for more fine grained control over which models should be automatically added to a gettext catalog, see AUTO_CATALOG.




The MSGID_LANGUAGE is the language used for the message id’s in the gettext catalogs. Only when a content was created in this language, it will be added to the gettext catalog. If MSGID_LANGUAGE is not defined, the LANGUAGE_CODE will be used instead. The msgid’s in the gettext catalogs should be the same for all languages.

This setting should be used when there are different sites, each with a different LANGUAGE_CODE set. These sites can all share the same catalogs.




The FALLBACK_LANGUAGES is a dictionary of values that looks like this:

    'en': [],
    'hu': ['en'],
    'be': ['en'],
    'ff': ['hu','en']

Any string that is not translated in ‘ff’ will be taken from the ‘hu’ language. If the ‘hu’ also has no translation, finally it will be taken from ‘en’.


Use the LOCALE_DIR setting if you want all contents to be collected in a single gettext catalog. If LOCALE_DIR is not specified, the contents will be grouped by app. When a model belongs to the ‘foo’ app, new contents will be added to the catalog located in foo/locale.

You might not want to have the dynamic contents written to your app’s locale, if you also have static translations. You can separate the dynamic and static content by specifying the LOCALE_POSTFIX.


PROJECT_DIR = os.dirname(__file__)
LOCALE_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'db_content')
LOCALE_PATHS = (join(LOCALE_DIR, 'locale'), )

(Note that by using LOCALE_PATHS the extra catalogs are loaded by django).


The LOCALE_POSTFIX must be used like this:

LOCALE_POSTFIX = '_content'

Contents that belong to models defined in the ‘foo’ app, will be added to the catalog located at foo_content/locale instead of foo/locale.


Easymode has some utilities that help in having sites with multiple languages. LocaliseUrlsMiddleware and LocaleFromUrlMiddleWare help with adding and extracting the current language in the url eg:


When having many similar languages in a multi site context, you will have to use 5 letter language codes:

en-us en-gb

These language codes do not look pretty in an url:


and they might even be redundant because the country code is allready in the domain extension:


When USE_SHORT_LANGUAGE_CODES is set to True, the country codes are removed in urls, leaving only the language code. This means the url would say:


even when the current language would be ‘en-us’.


This means i can not have the same language defined twice in my LANGUAGES:

    ('en-us', _('American English')),
    ('en-gb', _('British')),

This will NOT work because both languages will be displayed in the url as ‘en’ which is ambiguous.


It might be that some tests fail because you’ve got some modules disabled or you can not comply to the test requirements. This is very annoying in a continuous integration environment. If you are sure that the failing tests cause no harm to your application, they can be disabled.

SKIPPED_TESTS is a sequence of test case names eg:

SKIPPED_TESTS = ('test_this_method_will_fail', 'test_this_boy_has_green_hair')

will make sure these 2 tests will not be executed when running the test suite.


When a model tree is not a dag, easymode can get into an infinite recursion when producing xml, resulting in a stack overflow. Because xml is produced using xml.sax, which is a c-extension, your app will simply crash and not raise any exceptions. Easymode will try to help you, by never allowing recursion to go deeper then RECURSION_LIMIT. The default is set to:

RECURSION_LIMIT = sys.getrecursionlimit() / 10

which usually means 100. Take care when increasing this value, because most of the time when the limit is reached it actually IS caused by cycles in your data model and not because of how many objects you’ve got in your database.