.. _translation_of_contents: Translation of database content using gettext ============================================= When using the :ref:`i18n ` and :ref:`l10n ` features of easymode, you can use gettext's standard translation features to translate all the database content. .. _auto_catalog_ref: Automatic catalog management ---------------------------- If the :ref:`master_site` directive is set to True, every time a model decorated with :class:`~easymode.i18n.decorators.I18n` is saved, easymode will add an entry to the corresponding gettext catalog. (for all the options related to the location of the catalogs please refer to :doc:`/settings`). Additional control on what models should auto update the catalog is offered by :ref:`auto_catalog`. For each language in your ``LANGUAGES`` directive, a catalog will be created. This way you can translate all the content using something like `poedit `_ or `rosetta `_. This is especially convenient when a new site is created, for the first *big batch* of translations. For modifications afterward, you can just use the admin interface, which will show the translations from the gettext catalog if they exist. TAKE CARE --------- The translation mechanism using gettext is best used when a site is initially going to be translated to other languages. After this fase, content will most likely be edited directly in the admin interface, and you will encounter the issues described in :ref:`database_rules_all`. It takes proper planning to make full use of the gettext capabilities of easymode. In effect any changes made to the gettext catalog after editors are changing content in the admin interface has a very low probability of being shown on the website. [#f1]_ The proper workflow is: - edit and add base content of the website, *ALL OF IT* and make sure you don't want to modify it anymore. - translate content using gettext, and *COMPLETELY STOP ALL EDITING, JUST LOCK UP THE SITE DURING TRANSLATION!!!!!* (because of :ref:`database_rules_all`) - edit and modify all you like in the admin, all translations will be there. [#f2]_ If you choose to deviate from this workflow be sure to understand all the next topics and learn how to use :ref:`easy_reset_language`. Translation mechanism explained ------------------------------- It is important to realise, that allthough you can make translations using gettext, the catalog is not the only place translations are stored. The :ref:`I18n decorator` not only registers a model for catalog management, it also modifies the model. suppose we have a model as follows: :: @I18n('bar') class Foo(models.Model): bar = models.CharField(max_length=255) foobar = models.TextField() Normally the database would look like this: .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE "foobar_foo" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "bar" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "foobar" text NOT NULL ) The :ref:`I18n decorator` modiefies the model, given we've got both 'en' and 'yx' in out ``LANGUAGES`` directive this is what the model would look like on the database end: .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE "foobar_foo" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "bar_en" varchar(255) NULL, "bar_yx" varchar(255) NULL, "foobar" text NOT NULL ) On the model end you would not see this, because you will still access ``bar`` like this:: >>> m = Foo.objects.get(pk=1) >>> m.bar = 'hello' >>> print m.bar hello Any field that is internationalized using the :ref:`I18n decorator` will always return the field in the current languge, both on read and on write. .. _database_rules_all: Database is bigger than gettext ------------------------------- **Only when a field is empty** (``None``) **in the database for the current language, the gettext catalog will be consulted for a translation** This way, a model has exactly the same semantics as before, in that we can read and write to the property, the way we defined it in it's declaration. We still get the gettext goodies, which is nice when large ammounts of text must be translated. If the gettext catalog would be the only place where the translations would be stored, having proper write semantics would become very difficult. Example:: >>> from django.utils.translation import activate >>> m = Foo() >>> m.bar = 'hello' >>> m.bar 'hello' >>> activate('yx') >>> m.bar 'hello' >>> m.bar = 'xy says hello' >>> m.bar 'xy says hello' >>> activate('en') >>> m.bar 'hello' What you'll notice is that ``m.bar`` is allready available in the language 'yx' even though we did't specify it's value yet. This is because the normal behaviour of gettext is to return the ``msgid`` if the ``msgstr`` is not yet available. This is because the value for ``m.bar`` in langugae 'yx' was resolved as follows: * see if the database value bar_yx is not null, if so return bar_yx * see if the ``msgstr`` for 'hello' (The value of ``m.bar`` in the :ref:`msgid_language`) exists if so return ugettext('hello') * otherwise return the value in the :ref:`fallback language ` .. _implicit_translation: Importing translations is implicit ---------------------------------- One thing that follows from the mechanics as described above, is that there is no need to explicitly import translations from gettext catalogs into the database. Importing does take place however, each time a model is saved in the admin, the translations are written to the database. This is because the translations from the gettext catalog *ARE* displayed in the admin, which means they *ARE* present in the form, but since the database column itself is *EMPTY* it will be marked as a change and written to the appropriate field. This implicit import could pose a problem. If for example a model was edited in the admin, *BEFORE* the gettext catalog was properly translated and imported, it could be that the wrong value, from some :ref:`fallback language ` got written to the database. Because the database get's precedence over the gettext catalog, the new translation would never show up. This inconvenience can be resolved using the :ref:`easy_reset_language` command .. [#f1] Obviously, other gettext catalogs, generated from static content, that are not managed by easymode are unaffected. .. [#f2] Watch out when you completely replace existing content in the :ref:`msgid_language`. The :ref:`msgid_language` is used for the message id's in the catalogs. When you completely replace the existing message id with something different, gettext will see that as adding a new message instead of changing an existing message. When this happens, translations can nolonger be associated with the new message and all languages will fall back to the new message id. Unless the content is allready saved in the database (:ref:`database_rules_all`).