Release Notes ============= v0.8.6 ------ - Easymode will nolonger complain about rosetta, polib and tinymce when none of the features that require these packages are used. - Moved polib util to :mod:`easymode.utils.polibext` to avoid name clashes - :class:`~easymode.admin.models.fields.DiocoreTextField` now accepts cols and rows as parameters. - The mechanism to add extra attributes to the xml produced by the serializer is now more generic. If a field has the 'extra_attrs' property, these attributes will be added as attributes to the field xml. - Updated the serializer to support natural keys: - Now easymode can automatically serialize many to many fields. The recursion is guarded, and will let you know when you made a cyclic relation in you model tree. (see :ref:`recursion_limit`). - :class:`~easymode.utils.mutex` now raises :class:`~easymode.utils.SemaphoreException` instead of doing sys.exit(). - When to_python returns a weird object on a field instead of a string, it is now converted to unicode before it is used as a msgid. v0.6.1 ------ - :class:`~easymode.admin.models.fields.DiocoreHTMLField` will now also show a tinymce editor when it is not internationalized. - When there is a problem with monkey patching :class:`django.db.models.SubfieldBase` easymode will throw an exception. (Monkey patch fixes - New field aded, :class:`~easymode.admin.models.fields.CSSField`, which allows specification of css classes for a rich text field, the css classes will appear in the xml as:: style="class1,class2" v0.6.0 ------ - Django 1.2 is required for easymode as of v0.6.0. - :func:`~easymode.utils.languagecode.get_real_fieldname` now returns a string instead of :class:`unicode`. This way a :class:`dict` can be constructed using it's results as keys, and the dict can be turned into keyword arguments of ``filter`` when doing a query in a specific language. - Small improvements in error handling when :ref:`auto_catalog` is ``True`` v0.5.7 ------ - Added :class:`easymode.admin.models.fields.SafeTextField`, a textfield which strips all cariage returns before saving, which is required when using :ref:`auto_catalog_ref`. - Updated django requirement to v1.1.2 because python 2.6.5 will otherwise make the unit tests fail. v0.5.6 ------ - The example app now has a working fixture. v0.5.5 ------ - Special admin widgets are nolonger discarded by easymode (issue #3) v0.5.4 ------ - Some data files where not installed correctly by v0.5.3 ------ - Added :ref:`auto_catalog` setting, see :ref:`auto_catalog_ref`. - Fixed error in :ref:`easy_locale` when two properties in the same model have the same value (eg. title and subtitle are the same).